Friday, February 26, 2010

Still live and kickin'

Dear Friends and Family,

No, we haven't been eaten by a tapir or driven off a cliff.

We tend to travel in off-the-beaten-path kind of places and while we may come across internet access (not always) it is often so slow that posting a blog, with pictures, is not possible.

I have several posts ready to go, to catch you up on our travels, and just as soon as we are in a place that makes it practical to post I will do just that.

Meanwhile, thanks for all the emails and appreciate you still being interested in our adventure. We are well and having a lot of fun. It's actually hard to put the whole experience into words.



1 comment:

  1. Trish, Good to hear from you, I was starting to worry, you know how I am! Snow, cold, snow, cold, and toooooo much gray. You know I can't take too much gray. I sure miss you, have fun, be safe, and come home soon! Your running buddy, Linda
